The constitution word search 4 answers
The constitution word search 4 answers

the constitution word search 4 answers

cannot favor religions)Įxersize clause Amendment II right to keep and bear arms Amendment III conditions for quarters of soldiers Amendment IV right of search and seizure regulated

the constitution word search 4 answers

10: limits powers of the states Amendment I freedom of speech, press, religion, and petition 8: power of congress (underlines enumerated powers) 7: how congress can make acts through bills

the constitution word search 4 answers

6: privileges, restrictions, and compensation of senators or reps. 5: each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members 4: gives power to the state legislatures to set the times, place, and manner of holding elections for house of rep. the time the constitution was written, the Senators were thought to be more wealthy and might be more willing to spend more government money than the House What 3 possibilities can the president do to a bill? 1) sign the billģ) leaving the bill on his desk unsigned, so it shows that he unwillingly let a bill get passed plurality* had most votes even less than 50% simple majority* more than 50% voted for pocket veto president doesn't sign the bill when Congress is not in session therefore, allowing the bill to be vetoed veto constitutional right to reject a decision Powers given to Congress (enumerated powers)*** 1) collect taxes*ģ) regulate commerce with foreign nations*ĥ) coin money, regulate the value thereof*Ħ) provide punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current Coin of U.S.Ĩ) promote progress of science and useful artsĩ) constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme courtġ0) define and punish Piracies and felonies of high seesġ1) to declare war, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and waterġ5) make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers What is the exact wording for implied power clause?* to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper* for carrying into execution (all laws have to originate in the congress) what is another word for implied power clause? elastic clause habeas corpus not to be suspended Bill of Attainder declaring a person guilty Ex post facto refers to laws adopted after an act is committed making it illegal although it was legal when done (changes legal consequence) Export tax tax on imports and exports Art. would be fair and non-baised where should all bills for raising revenue be originated in? Why? -House of Rep. shall not be an inhabitant of state that he or she is chosen from what official is always the head of the senate? vice president The senate shall have sole power to "try" all cases of_ but it can never sentence a person impeachment Who presides when the president of the U.S. what qualifications are required to be a candidate for the senate? -30 years old treason, bribery, high crimes or misdemeanors what is the total number of senators? 100 How are the senators chosen and how long is their term? -appointed by state legislature 2, part 3? Non-white people (slaves) How is the Speaker of the House chosen? members of the House elect What power over civil officers is given to the House? shall be the judge of impeachment what is the synonym of impeach? accuse who may be impeached and for what crimes? - president, vice president, and all official officers 2020 What is the Speaker of the House?* majority leader what does the phrase "all other persons" mean in Art. When was the first, last, and next census taken? -1790

The constitution word search 4 answers